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Correlating Time-Related Data Sources with Co-clustering." In WISE, edited by James Bailey, David Maier, Klaus-Dieter Schewe, Bernhard Thalheim and Xiaoyang Sean Wang, 264-279. Vol. 5175. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5175. Springer, 2008.
C61.pdf (497.83 KB)
A Divergence-Oriented Approach for Web Users Clustering." In ICCSA (2), edited by Marina L. Gavrilova, Osvaldo Gervasi, Vipin Kumar, Chih Jeng Kenne Tan, David Taniar, Antonio LaganĂ, Youngsong Mun and Hyunseung Choo, 1229-1238. Vol. 3981. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3981. Springer, 2006.
"A new approach to web users clustering and validation: a divergence-based scheme." IJWIS 5 (2009): 348-371.
J44.pdf (351.56 KB)
Time-Aware Web Users’ Clustering." IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 20 (2008): 653-667.